One of DCIA traditions is to thank our volunteers, speakers, executive committee officers, and board members who have made contributions to our community and give them gifts during the holiday season. In December 2022, our executive committee officers kept this tradition. Our community volunteer Timothy Allen designed the T-shirt. President Xin Wang, VP of Operation Jessie Du prepared the gifts, holiday cards and certificates for our community contributors and afterwards our founder & former president Yujun Liang, VP of Communications Mark Yin, Jessie and Xin helped to deliver the presents to all recipients. We sincerely appreciate all of our speakers, executive committee officers, our BOD, volunteers and brother organizations who have helped, supported and collaborated with us in the year 2022, and we are looking forward to a more fruitful and successful new year.
Want to join our volunteer family to server DFWCIA? Click the button below to contact us. Thank you!